Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lenny, where you at?

I had originally started writing this in October, but never finished it. Everything new I’ve added will be BOLD.

Damn. It’s been over a month since my last post.

Bad Lenny!

I know. I’m useless.

Why have I been m.i.a.?

A few different reasons, none of them from the happyjoy column - like I met a chick that’s sexually insatiable and I just haven’t had the energy to write. Yeah, not for any reason remotely resembling that. My reason’s:

  • My year and a half old Dell XPS M1530 laptop running Microsoft Vista keeps (current tense, not “kept”, as it’s still happening – YES, STILL) randomly fucken dying. I’ve seen more blue screens than your local weatherman.
  • The majority of my content, just by the nature of them, were my Jeopardy Clue of the Day posts. As much fun as I had doing those, many days, they would be the only content that I would post. And to be honest, that’s part of what intrigues me about having some daily on-going feature, so that even if I had nothing else to share/rant/observe, I would still have a fresh new post for people to read. But even in that feature’s beginnings, I feared this site becoming “that Jeopardy blog”. As such, I’ve decided to retire the COTD.
  • Also, around the time of my last post, Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds was released. In the buzz and buildup for the movie, I was turned onto an artist by the name of Tyler Stout. His connection to IB? He was commissioned to create a limited edition Art Print Poster for the film. That poster (along with it’s variants) is truly a thing of beauty (pictures below – yeah, they were gonna be below, but I don’t feel like finding them on my hard drive. Just Google ‘em).  When I look at true art/creativity, I become defeated, ashamed of the sophomoric ramblings contained in these pages.

Anyway, I’m sure there was a lot more to this posting, but come on, that was like 8 months ago. You expect me to remember? At any rate, I’m back. I can’t say if I'll be posting with any kind of regularity, but I will be posting.

- El Lennierino (if you’re not into the whole brevity thing)

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